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Home03/24/2023 Nature becomes Art 2.0


Museum Bayerisches Vogtland, Hof - Germany 

from 24 March - 07 May 2023 

Katja Katholing-Bloss from Hof/Bavaria is one of the few representatives of "Botanical Art" in Germany. Since 2019 she is a fellow member of the SBA where she Currently serves on the board. 

As her solo exhibition at the Museum Bayerisches Vogtland, Hof in Upperfranconia in November 2020 was only accessible for a few days due to the second Corona lockdown, the time has come now and the new edition of the exhibition can take place from 24. March 2023. In "Nature becomes Art 2.0", deceptively realistic images of blossoms, fruits and leaves can be discovered, which enchant with their attention to detail and accuracy. New works are complemented by loans of paintings that have already been sold; the creative process as well as the search for and selection of motifs are vividly explained. In addition, a room is dedicated to the 

numerous student works that were inspired and accompanied by the artist's extensive teaching activities.

The supporting programme includes guided tours, a workshop and a lecture by Dr. Ulrich Meve (University of Bayreuth) on herbarium. Katja Katholing-Bloss will be happy to guide school classes through the exhibition on request and explain the history, technique and creative possibilities of this extraordinary art form in a practical way.


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