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Chapters & Circles

ASBA Chapters and Artists' Circles provide local programming and opportunities for artists to interact with others in their area.

You may further collaborate with ASBA by joining either an ASBA Chapter, which is a legal entity of ASBA, and/or an Artists’ Circle, which is a group of mostly ASBA members but without a legal affiliation with ASBA.


ASBA Chapters are not-for-profit or non-profit formalized associations of ASBA members within a geographic region which establish an organizational framework to provide their members with:

• A local setting which encourages and facilitates sharing and friendships among artists

• Local exhibitions – juried and non-juried (artworks should comply with the ASBA’s scientific, aesthetic and artistic guidelines)

• Local workshops and presentations

• Fund-raising support for local activities (made possible by the chapter’s non-profit or not-for-profit status)

• A listing in the ASBA journal or on its website for contact purposes and to create awareness of the chapter’s existence

• Identification of the chapter as an ASBA-affiliated entity, and use of the ASBA name and logo on chapter materials to promote the chapter’s activities

To join a chapter:

You will be prompted to join a chapter at the time you submit your annual ASBA Membership dues. Your Chapter membership will always run concurrently with your ASBA membership regardless of when you join the Chapter.

If you'd like to join a chapter at any time during the year after you've submitted your ASBA dues, follow these steps:

  • Log in to the ASBA website
  • Go to your Profile page
  • Under the Member Options panel, select Chapters/Additional Members
  • On the next page, click on the Add Chapter icon
  • Proceed to select the chapter you'd like to join and submit your dues payment

 To form a chapter, ASBA requires your group to:

• Create by-laws that are ASBA-approved

• Register as a non-profit or not-for-profit entity in a state in its region.

• ASBA recommends incorporating and recommends purchasing Directors and Officers insurance.

• Be comprised of at least five members

• Hold a minimum of one meeting annually

• Elect leaders from the local membership to be responsible for planning and organizing Chapter activities

• Elect a Treasurer responsible for carrying out the financial activities of the chapter and to coordinate with ASBA Member Services.

• Provide an annual report to the ASBA Board of Directors, including a detailed account of any activities funded, in whole or in part, by ASBA.

• All chapter members must be ASBA members. Both dues are paid to ASBA and distributed back to the chapter.

• Use the ASBA name and logo on any printed material or electronic media


© Giacomina Ferrillo

Sketchbook page Viola odorata

ASBA Chapters

Botanical Artists Guild of Southern California

Botanical Art Society of the National Capital Region

Great River Chapter (Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and South Dakota)

New England Society of Botanical Artists

Northern California Society of Botanical Artists

Pacific Northwest Botanical Artists

Rocky Mountain Society of Botanical Artists

Southwest Society of Botanical Artists



Artists’ Circles are independent associations with a mutual interest in botanical art whose participants may be comprised of primarily ASBA members (who receive the benefits of individual membership) and non-members (who do not). Artists’ Circles do not receive Chapter benefits but may use The Botanical Artist and the ASBA website to list one or two ASBA members as contact persons in order to create awareness of the Artists’ Circle’s existence.


Artists' Circles


Allegheny Highlands Botanical Art Society (AHBAS)

Botanical Art League of the Eastern Shore (BALES)

Botanical Art Society of St. Louis

BOTsketchers Virtual (a Facebook-based circle)

Central Virginia Botanical Artists

Central Texas Botanical Artists

Coastal Alabama Artists

Flathead Valley Botanical Artists

Florida Society of Botanical Artists

North Carolina Artists

Oregon Botanical Artists

Philadelphia Society of Botanical Illustrators (PSBI)

The Reed-Turner Botanical Artists (Chicago)

Tri-State Botanical Artists of NYBG

2024 Chapter and Circle Annual Report

2025 ASBA - All rights reserved

All artwork copyrighted by the artist. Copying, saving, reposting, or republishing of artwork prohibited without express permission of the artist.

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