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Home11/11/2017 immerwährende schönheit

This is the second solo exhibition of German botanical artist Katja Katholing-Bloss. As well as painting with watercolors, she enjoys the effect of pure pencil studies for their tonal values. So far she has had her work in several exhibitions in the UK, Wales and Germany as well as with the Society of Botanical Artists in London.


Her paintings were not only exhibited in the UK and Germany, but as far afield as Italy, Dubai and Australia. In 2011 she had her first Solo Exhibition in Germany where she showed about 30 of her paintings in her home town of Hof/Bavaria.


Upon her return to Germany almost three years ago, Katja was designated a tutor at the Hereford College of Technology and has been teaching Botanical Art in Adult Education. She offers 1-2-1 tuition and workshops and aims to get people to become interested in Botanical Illustration in Germany. 


The opening event of the exhibition is taking place at the Leubnitz Castle in Saxonia, Germany on November 11, 2017 at 14:00 hr. The exhibition will be running until February 3, 2018 during the opening hours of the Castle. 

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