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Home25th Annual Exhibition

25th Annual Exhibition

Wave Hill, Bronx, NY

November 19 – December 30, 2022

Opening reception: November 19, 1pm-4:30pm

The Exhibition
Call for Entries
The Artists/Backstories
The Art

Photo: Stefan Hagen

The Annual International returns to the east coast in 2022, with Wave Hill, a spectacular public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River and Palisades, collaborating with ASBA in producing and hosting the 25th Annual International. Through innovative programs in horticulture, education and the arts, Wave Hill connects people to nature in meaningful and lasting ways. We are looking forward to our return to Wave Hill, its beautiful grounds, and Glyndor Gallery.

The jury team of Eileen Jeng Lynch, Curator of Visual Arts, Wave Hill, Karen Kluglein, botanical artist, and John Pastoriza-Piñol, botanical artist met in June to select 44 artworks from a field of 200 entries. Artists in the exhibition are from the US, Canada, Czech Republic, France, India, Ireland, Japan, Korea, and the UK. Eleven have never been in an ASBA International exhibition. Artists included are: Aislinn Adams, Anastasiya Arvest, Margaret Best, Claudia Campazzo, Hyunjin Cho, Mary Crabtree, Jesssica Daigle, Mary Dillon, Crystal Driedger, Jean Emmons, Akiko Enokido, Christiane Fashek, Ingrid Finnan, Jane Fisher, Lara Gastinger, Gaye Grossman, Damodar Lal Gurjar, Diane Harm, Albina P. Herron, Asuka Hishiki, Wendy Hollender, Vincent Jeannerot, Katy Lyness, Lucy Martin, Angela Mirro, Sandy Morrison, Keiko Nibu Tarver, An Suk Park, Sengmany Phommachakr, Dr. Dick Rauh, Betsy Rogers-Knox, Kathy Schermer-Gramm, Kaori Shimura, Liz Shippam, Kim Spink, Maryna Stasyuk, Anna Suprunenko, Faye Van Wert, Catherine Watters, Kerri Weller, and Carol Woodin.

Thank you to Gillian Rice, Beth Plotnick, and Myra Sourkes, who will compile “Stories Behind the Art” for ASBA’s website.  

ASBA gratefully acknowledges major exhibition sponsor Catherine M. Watters, and exhibition supporters Angella Bradick, Gail Goodrich Harwood, Sally Petru and Alice Tangerini.


Wave Hill
675 West 252nd Street
Bronx, NY 
Karen Kluglein
Botanical artist

Eileen Jeng Lynch
Former Curator of Visual Arts, Wave Hill
John Pastoriza-Piñol
Botanical artist


Call for Entries: 25th Annual International

American Society of Botanical Artists and Wave Hill


The Annual International returns to the east coast in 2022, with Wave Hill, a spectacular public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River and Palisades, collaborating with ASBA in producing and hosting the 25th Anniversary Annual International. Through innovative programs in horticulture, education and the arts, Wave Hill connects people to nature in meaningful and lasting ways. We are looking forward to our return to Wave Hill and its beautiful Glyndor Gallery in the fall of next year!


Downloadable Call for Entries


November 19 – December 30, 2022


June 10, 2022


Wave Hill
675 West 252nd Street
Bronx, NY USA


Open to all ASBA members in good standing, worldwide.


Botanical specimens. Work may have appeared in regional exhibitions, but may not have been shown in another international juried exhibition of ASBA.


Two-dimensional original botanical art. No photography, no digitally generated work, and no three-dimensional work will be accepted.


$35 for the first entry, $10 for each additional entry up to three.


Number artworks per entry: 3


Artworks must be for sale and a commission will be retained. Images must be digital files only, 300 dpi X 8” high, tif or jpg, individual files labeled with artist’s last name and image title.

Online entries only. Please see website at:


Framed size limit 40” x 48”, either horizontal or vertical. Accepted artists will be notified of framing requirements. Specific frame required.


Ken Druse, Garden Author and Photographer

Eileen Jeng Lynch, Curator of Visual Arts, Wave Hill

Karen Kluglein, Botanical Artist

John Pastoriza-Piñol, Botanical Artist


Acceptances and regrets will be sent by July 15, 2022 by email.

Shipping Insurance

Artists will be responsible for shipping to and from Wave Hill and for insuring their work while in transit. Artworks will be insured while on-site.

Hanging Rights

The ASBA retains the right to refuse to hang work when received if framing is inadequate, the work is shipped in Styrofoam peanuts, or the quality of the artwork differs greatly from that represented by the submission materials.

Sale of Works

Artworks must be for sale and may not be removed until the close of exhibition.

Publicity and Catalog

Your submitted images may be used in promotional, educational or interpretive materials, either in print or electronic media, before, during and after the exhibition. With appropriate funding, a catalog will be prepared using the images you provide for jurors. If significant pre-publication digital corrections are needed for digital image(s) a fee of $75 will be levied.


Carol Woodin, Director of Exhibitions, email:


If accepted, artist ensures that artwork(s) will be available for display. If artist withdraws artwork before exhibition, artist will not be eligible to show at any ASBA exhibition for two years.

ASBA gratefully acknowledges major exhibition sponsor Catherine M. Watters, and exhibition supporters Angella Bradick, Gail Goodrich Harwood, Sally Petru and Alice Tangerini.

Opening Reception in Glyndor Gallery 

November 19, 1:00 - 4:30pm
Reception is open, no reservation required. Artists will be on hand to talk about their work.

Virtual Artist Talk: American Society of Botanical Artists (Recorded on Zoom)

Wave Hill presents exhibiting artists Claudia Campazzo, Asuka Hishiki and Faye Van Wert in conversation with botanical artist and educator John Pastoriza-Piñol, one of the three jurors who selected the works on view in the 25th Annual International. In this virtual conversation held on December 13, 2022 over Zoom, the artists discussed their artistic processes, botanical art as a genre, and the natural subjects that these artists gravitate toward.

View the recording here:

Congratulations to the following artists!

Click on the artists' names below to read the artists' stories behind each piece.
Wave Hill Best in Show Award $500
Mary Dillon 
Punica granatum ‘Nana’
Watercolor on paper
Eleanor Wunderlich Award $500
Damodar Lal Gurjar
Papaya Tree
Carica papaya
Tempera on paper 
Brooklyn Botanic Garden Award for a Print or Drawing $500
Kathy Schermer-Gramm
Common Blue Violet
Viola sororia
Graphite on paper

Honorable Mentions
Jean Emmons
Full Tilt Boogie Iris 
Iris “Full Tilt Boogie’
Watercolor on vellum

Lara Call Gastinger
Winter Meadow
Daucus carota, Rhus copallinum, Andropogon virginicus, Agrostis sp., Phragmites sp. 
Watercolor on vellum

Katy Lyness
Oh! My Darlin’! Triptych
Citrus x clementina
Colored pencil, watercolor, and gouache on paper

Lucy Martin
Madrone Branch
Arbutus menziesii
Gouache and watercolor on paper

Liz Shippam
Madresfield Court Grapes
Vitis vinifera ‘Madresfield Court’
Watercolor on paper

2025 ASBA - All rights reserved

All artwork copyrighted by the artist. Copying, saving, reposting, or republishing of artwork prohibited without express permission of the artist.

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