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HomeRecognizing Robin Jess


At the 2016 Annual Conference in Pittsburgh, ASBA members bid a fond farewell (but not good-bye) to retiring Executive Director Robin Jess. Robin served brilliantly as the organization’s executive director from 2003 to 2016.


Former ASBA Presidents Marilyn Garber, Susan Fisher, and Carol Hamilton


Jody Williams honors Robin


Derek Norman honors Robin


Cynthia Rice honors Robin


Pauline Goldsmith honors Robin


Carol Woodin and staff members honor Robin


Robin, son Adam and husband Ken

A Thank-you Note from Robin

I want to thank all those responsible for giving me an evening I will never forget at ASBA’s Annual Awards Banquet.

President Jody Williams introduced a theme—acorns—by giving all attendees one of her unique, handmade acorn pins. The acorn’s symbolism became clear as Treasurer Cynthia Rice read a message from former president Lea Rohrbaugh. Lea, along with the Directors League and the Executive Committee, initiated The Acorn Fund with founding donations in honor of my service at ASBA. The Acorn Fund will continue to grow, with Legacy Gifts and other donations, from its initial $17,000 into a mighty oak, providing stability for ASBA projects into the future.


Staff presents Robin with her gift

Other gifts that I will treasure forever include an illustrated book from Immediate Past President Derek Norman on behalf of the Board of Directors. From the Executive Committee, VP Pauline Goldsmith presented me with a lifetime ASBA membership! My fellow staff members (past and present) gave me a beautifully bound box filled with exquisite paintings of acorns that each of them had created. They are like jewels in a treasure chest—both the art and the staff: Linda Crawford, Marilyn Garber, Ann Hoffenberg, Patricia Luppino, Margaret Saylor, Deborah Shaw, Linda Vredenburgh, Denise Walser-Kolar and Carol Woodin. Elaine Searle added her charming acorn painting as well. Jody read a moving poem written for me by former president and dear friend Dick Rauh. (see right)

And yet another surprise honor—ASBA’s James White Service Award—for just doing my job!

There are so many people of whom I have special memories that I can’t acknowledge them all, but here are a few key people in the nearly 14 years of my ASBA life.

Diane Bouchier: For founding the organization and getting it off to the right start.

Carol Hamilton: My first friend at ASBA and the person who hired me.

Julius Brown: ASBA’s volunteer treasurer for 15 years. I wouldn’t have lasted 15 months without him.

Kathy Imel: ASBA Board Member who taught me how to create a conference and negotiate a hotel contract.

Libby Kyer: ASBA Journal editor for many years.

Lugene Bruno: Curator of Art, Hunt Institute, for the “Olympics” of botanical art.

Sig Silber: ASBA Volunteer Counsel who reminded me to always smell the roses.

Jeff Downing: Former VP at NYBG, who was receptive to the idea of giving ASBA offices at NYBG and made it happen.

My husband Ken Hess and my son Adam Hess (who grew up hearing about ASBA)!

Thank you to everyone who sent me good wishes by card, phone, email or in person. Although I am stepping down from the position of Executive Director, part of my heart will always belong to ASBA. The oak tree continues to grow.


For Robin Jess:Ode to an Acorn by Dick Rauh, artwork by Derek Norman

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