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Botanical Art Worldwide: America's Flora

Fox Grapes

Vitis labrusca

Though most of the year my home is in Florida, come late spring, I leave the tropical heat behind and head to Northeast Georgia. The landscape and flora of Appalachia is so different and it is refreshing, not only to the body but to the spirit. I enjoy being able to breathe in the fresh air of the Georgia mountains in the summer and fall.

Over the years, my grandchildren have raved about the grape jelly I make from the region’s native fox grapes. I watch and wait as the fruit matures and when they seem to be ripe enough, I collect as many as have survived the scavenging by the squirrels and birds. The rest of the day is devoted to the process of making the jelly.

When the Florida Society of Botanical Artists had a call for an exhibit of edible plants, I decided to share theses delicious beauties in another way.

Fox grapes are different from many other grapes that grow in tight clusters. Instead, they hang loosely on their stems. This spacing around the globes allowed an interesting exploration of light and shadow. The variations in color were also more pronounced. I have always loved playing with purples, magentas, and indigos, but working on the bloom was a new challenge for me. If I rubbed the grapes, I could remove part of the waxy bloom, but this substance was part of what made them a fascinating subject. It is something I look forward to painting again.

The leaves and tendrils were a subdued background to the more colorful grapes. It intrigued me to watch the winding tendrils’ daily progression and how they would cling to any surface available to them.

I will continue to make “the best grape jelly ever” for my family, but I have a much greater appreciation for this native fruit. It is a pleasure to be able to share its beauty with the world.

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Vitis labrusca

Fox Grapes


15 x 11

© Mary Jane Dimino

2024 ASBA - All rights reserved

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