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Gallery Guidelines


Current members of ASBA are eligible to have a Member Gallery on the ASBA website.

For instructions on creating your own Member Gallery, click HERE

The botanical art tradition combines science and art. Botanical art encompasses a range of styles and may take the form of scientific illustration or realistic drawing and painting of botanical subjects. Botanical artists seek to understand the structure of plants and to communicate this knowledge to their audience in an aesthetically pleasing manner. The subject plant must be the prominent feature of the work. All images should be of work executed by hand in traditional botanical media.

Images submitted to the Member Gallery may also be displayed elsewhere on the website.

Scam Advisory: Members, please use caution when responding to email offers to buy your work. While there are many legitimate inquiries about your work, there are also many scams. A typical one is that a "buyer" sends you a check written in a higher amount than the purchase price, and rather than sending you a new correct check, they ask that you refund the difference. You guessed it - their check bounces and you have sent them a good check.

Color Correction: All digital images will need some color correction. Please review the examples below before sending images of your artworks.


ASBA Image Policy


Too much magenta; needs color balance adjusted


Poor lighting - edges and corners are darker than the center of the artwork

Difficult to determine correct background tone if original artwork not available to person doing color correction


Good lighting and with good color correction

2024 ASBA - All rights reserved

All artwork copyrighted by the artist. Copying, saving, reposting, or republishing of artwork prohibited without express permission of the artist.

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